
Apr 14, 2024

Student sent back from school because of distracting school dress, because of bullying

 Now-a-days bullying is a big problem in schools. By taking steps against it you can reduce bullying but you can't remove this. Simple school dress can be the topic of bullying. School friends can make fun because of one's distracting school dress. Lets go to the full story.

 A father let his son wear a dress to go to school, but his son got bulliyed in school because of his dress. The father said 'my son is the student of second grade. My son has a twin sister. One day in school time I get him ready. That time my wife was sleeping because she had a shifting duty.

 His twin sister brought a bunch of dress for him. He choose one dress and decide to wear this. I said nothing. Because I was a hurry to go to office.

Then I dropped him off to school and go to my office. After 2 hours I get phone call to pick him up from school. Because his dress distracting the other kids and he was being bullyied.

 My son was so sad. My wife come there and said to me that how can I allow this dress to wear. My wife said that damage has been done permanently. Because my son and the kids will be the same school and rest of his life they mentioned him the one who 'wear dress'.

I think if I didn't allow the dress to wear him, he would not suffer from bullying.

So parents should be aware of there decisions because its impact their safety. Moreover kids need to know their parents are supportive for them always.

Feb 20, 2024

5 facts we learned in school, now disproven because science moved forward

 Science has moved forward, so lot of things has changed with time. Today we are going to share 5 facts we learned in school, now changed because science moved forward.

1. We used calculator earlier. Now time has changed. We can't carry calculator always. Instead we use phone.

2. Earlier we said highschool life is the best time of life. But now I say, that is not the best time of life.

3. People has changed the food habits. New type of food has arrived, so people taste different foods.

4. You have to do lot of extra curricular activities to get into college. But I haven't done anything because I get into college after 7 years of high school 

5. Earlier we got nutrition from food. But now microwave oven destroy nutrition of food.

Feb 6, 2024

Celine Dion Makes Appearance in Grammy Awards

 Celine Dion Makes an appearance at the 66th Grammy Awards. Her appearance make viewers stunned on Sunday at the function. She was glowing like unsinkable titanic.

Celine, the famous singer present the final awards of the night at Grammy Awards. The 55 year old singer creates an emotional moment at the awards. 

The singer said that when she says that she is happy to be here, she means that with heart. She said that after taking a standing ovation from the audience.

The singer presents the trophy of best album of the year. The winner of the trophy is Taylor Swift. Swift makes history by winning album of the year trophy as a solo artist for 4 times. Celine and Taylor were hugging each other after collecting trophy.

The shocking news is Celine Dion's health conditions is deteriorated. Her sister Claudette said about Celine's debilitating stiff person syndrom.


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