'Doctor strange in the multiverse of madness' poster and trailer published

Marvel studios published upcoming 'doctor strange in the multiverse of madness' poster on wednesday. The tickets went on sell for the superhero tent pole. The poster feature both doctor strange and scarlet witch. These two are the protagonist of the movie.

This poster is not as detailed as the teaser which was published some weeks ago. Here we can see doctor strange is in the sanctum and walking towards a shatterd window. He is in newyork city heaven. The window is to protect sanctorum from external threat.

In the trailer no villain has been shown. The poster feature wanda maximoff's shadow. Doctor strange in the multiverse of madness is a horror movie. People expect it is like another spiderman: no way home. Director Sam Raimi showed his creativity in this movie.

Sam Raimi is the second director of this doctor strange series. The first director of this series is Scott derrickson. Scott directed the first movie of doctor strange. That movie brought both creative and commercial success.


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