5 ways to make money without google adsens
Many people are making money using google adsense in their blog. But is google adsense the only way to make money online. No, there are some others proven ways to make money online. So you can earn money using these ways from your blog. Now we are going to share 5 proven ways to make money without google adsense.
1. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is an effective way to earn money online. Here you need to promote somone else product over a small commission. you can earn a lot of money from affiliate marketing if you can do this properly.
First of all you need to sign up for a few affilite program. These program should be relevant to your niche. Then you can choose products you would like to promote. Then if you get approved as an affiliate of any affiliate program you will be given an affiliate link. When somone click on your affiliate link and make purchase, you will get a commission.
# You need to choose high quality products.
# You should pick products that are relevant to your.
# Dont accept affiliate that pays less than 5% commission.
# Dont throw your affiliate link everywhere, just use the link where it necessary.
2. Media.net
If you are get tired of waiting for adsense approval, but you don't get it then you can consider media.net. It is a great alternative of adsense. It is another popular ads network that display ads on your blog. It will show relevant ads on your blog. Suppose f you have a dog blog, it will show ads that relevant to your blog.
Media.net is another ppc network. Once you get approved, you will get paid according to your traffic and clicks.
3. Sponsored posts
Sponsored post is almost similar to your blog post. The writing style and tone are similar. The only difference is that brands pay blogger for writing and publishing.
There are several types of sponsored posts. Some companies want blogger to mention their product just once in the post. Some companies want blogger to write a detailed review of their product. Some brands want blogger to publish their pre-written sponsored post for a fixed amount.
There are some websites for writing sponsored posts. Lets have a look to these sites.
# Izea pay per post
# PayU2Blog
# Sponsored reviews
# Social Spark
Before applying these sites you have to be prepared for media kit. Because it will represent the total number of social media followers, email subscribers and your blog statistics of the month.
4. Paid advertisment
You can earn money by showing advertisment on your blog. Just all you need to sell the ad places on your blog. You can sell ad places over a fixed monthly rate. Specially the header area that get most clicks. The companies pay the bloggers monthly over a fixed rate to exihibit their products.
5. Paid review
Paid review is almost similar to sponsored posts. Here all you need to write product review for companies. You will get paid for writing reviews. Somtimes companies will give their products to you to use for writing review.
You need to mention in your blog post that it is a paid review.
Before writing products review you should use that product. Because you can't recommend any poor quality product for your readers.
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